PPC Case Study: 300%+ Pay Per Click Growth For Kitchen Works Inc

An Outsourced CMO Agency

About Kitchen Works Inc:

Kitchen Works Inc is a kitchen supply store based out of Atlanta, GA. In business since 1984, they now ship products all over the nation. Prior to working with DeWitt’s Media, they were struggling with their pay-per-click advertising campaigns especially in the Cuisinart market.

The Challenge

Kitchen Works Inc had been attempting to run pay-per-click campaigns for years. Every time they discovered a new approach, they edited and built on to their existing campaigns. They had been through several vendors, none of whom were able to make a meaningful difference for Kitchen Works Inc. By the time DeWitt’s Media, Inc was engaged, their pay-per-click campaign structure was a mess. DeWitt’s Media, Inc was tasked with discovering what really motivated people to visit the Kitchen Works Inc site while undoing years of bad and disorganized work.

Our Unique and Creative Approach:

Fortunately, DeWitt’s Media, Inc CEO, Tyler DeWitt has been helping companies to scale their online presence since he was 14 years old. Throughout his years of experience, he has uncovered numerous ways to optimize pay-per-click campaigns.

For Kitchen Works Inc, Tyler manually restructured each ad group. He began by uncovering Kitchen Work Inc’s most popular and relevant pages. He then created a single keyword ad group (SKAG) for each keyword he decided to target based on that research. Each ad group contained two versions of the same ad for A/B testing. Every week, the DeWitt’s Media, Inc team would review which ad groups and which ads performed the best. Adjustments were made along the way while additional ad groups were built out based on keyword research. The entire approach was organized and methodical and was a far cry from the messy, keyword-filled ad groups approach that Kitchen Works Inc had been relying on prior.

Our Pay Per Click Managent Results:

The focus on relevant keywords and ongoing adjustments for success yielded tremendous results for Kitchen Works Inc. They now maintain a quality score between 8/10 to 10/10, and they are bringing in more than three times what they spend monthly on Google Ads at the same time increasing profit margin by nearly 4 times as much. By taking a strategic, quality-based approach, DeWitt’s Media, Inc was able to deliver fantastic profit margins for Kitchen Works Inc. DeWitt’s Media, Inc now handles all digital marketing for Kitchen Works Inc. Since the project’s inception, Kitchen Works Inc has increased their budget with DeWitt’s Media, Inc threefold. DeWitt’s Media, Inc will be managing all their digital channels such as SEO, paid ads, and even overall business consulting helping Kitchen Works, Inc helping them scale and diversify into the US market.

The Future of the Kitchen Works Inc/DeWitt's Media, Inc Relationship:

The CEO of Kitchen Works Inc also owns Luxe Linear Drains, a national stainless-steel drain supplier. Going forward, DeWitt’s Media, Inc will also be managing this brand in the near future. 

Client Testimonial:

DeWitt’s Media, Inc executed our Google Ads campaign that exceeded our expectations and goals in a very short period of time. The results gave us a positive ROI almost immediately. Professional, efficient and very open communications. Highly recommended.

-Joe Phillips President of Kitchen Works Inc

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